Will Wonders never cease? The Endurance has been found! And even more, she has been photographed! Read more.

Will Wonders never cease? The Endurance has been found! And even more, she has been photographed! Read more.
If you are a Christian, you may, or may not, believe in Hell.
As for me, I do believe in Hell. And have all my life. It's not some place I would ever want to spend eternity, and certainly would not want to visit! But there are people in the world (neighbors of Afghanistan) who are living at what they call "The Gates of Hell".
I am going to give you this link to MSN's report on "The Gates...". Click HERE to visit the link to this short story. Be sure to click through the slide show to see and read the entirety of the story.
(Yeah, these are the stories that grab me) I once had a patient in the hospital who was dying. As he got closer and closer to death, he cursed everyone who came into his room. All of the nursing staff, and the auxiliary staff who had to enter his room. I was working the night shift, and one night when he was so close, to dying (he died before I left in the morning), he was cussing and cursing so badly, I finally went into his room, and said the first thing that came into my mind.
"You know Mr. 'X', I would not want to be on my death bed, ready to meet my maker, with those nasty cuss words, and vile curses still on my lips! God might take offense to that." And he stopped very short, and tears came to his eyes. Suddenly, I felt I had overstepped my role as his nurse, and became the preacher, that I am also, and that meant I was judging him. So, I asked if there was anything I could do for him, and yes, I apologized for my outburst. He told me that was okay, and he lay quite silent for the rest of that half of the shift.
As morning approached, I let the on-call physician, who was down in the ER know that I had a probable decease before end of shift; that prompted him to come up and take a look at my patient.
As the physician and I walked into the room, we noted that the individual was awake and still lucid. I asked him how he was feeling.
"I know that I am dying," he said. "I'm sorry for everything that I said to you. You're a nice lady." I accepted his apology.
The physician reached out and touched the mans foot, and the patient yelled rather loudly, "Ow! That hurts so bad!" The doctor pulled back the sheet, and we noted both of his feet and legs up to the shin, were dark, and very red. The red was almost black it was so deep. The physician said he had acute cellulitis of the lower extremities. And he ordered morphine for pain. After he charted on the patient, he returned to the ER where he would stay until 5:30, when we began to do our last round before change of shift at 7:00.
As we entered the room, our patient was thrashing about in the bed. He began yelling put the fire out! Put the fire out!" I looked to the Doc and he looked at me. We were both puzzled. We looked about, just to make sure there wasn't a fire in this private room. None was found, and we said so to the patient.
"Get my feet out of the fire," he yelled.
The Doc reached over and pulled the blanket and sheet off the patients feet. He was looking at me, as he did this. "He probably has very bad neuropathy due to the cellulitis," the Doc said. And we both looked at his feet, as the patient continued to yell for us to get his feet out of the fire.
I will never forget, until my dying day, what we saw. This man's feet and legs were blackened. The feet looked like big lumps of charcoal. The smell was terrific. It smelled like Sulphur. I began saying the Lord's Prayer, and clutched my crucifix which frequently hangs about my neck.
Doc and I were both in shock at what we saw. Doc dropped the sheet and blanket back over the patients legs. We locked eyes with one another as the patient was nearly screaming. As the patient continued to cry about his legs and scream, we continued staring at one another.
Suddenly, the screaming stopped. The patient reached up on the bed, grabbed both of the siderails, and sat up. He was glaring at the two of us. His face became very mean and gruffly, at us he said the words that will forever remain in my memory. He said in a roaring growl, "I'm in hell, and I'm taking you with me!"
This was the most horrendous thing I had eve witnessed. But Doc beat me to saying a prayer to protect from all evil, out loud. The man's head hung low, until Doc finished the prayer with a petition for Guardian Angels to protect us. He grabbed my hand as he prayed. I won't lie, when this patient (possessed?) cursed us with his words, I was very, very scared. Was this real?? I was scared, I may have peed a little in my underwear! Yes, that's how scared I had been!
Suddenly, our patient released the siderails and fell back into the bed. Dead. Doc looked at me and said the following, "Look, I don't know about you, but I think we were witnessing a man who just went to hell. You chart this up, how ever you want, and I'll chart off of your notes. But I'd like to caution you with relaying what we just saw, because I don't believe the powers that be will believe it." He was trying to tell me, without ordering me to, to not chart what we saw.
Officially this gentleman, our patient, died from heart failure, secondary to pneumonias.
After this night, I never entered a patient's room, except in emergency to, without praying for peace and salvation. I asked God to let His light shine through me. And yes, I have been told there was an aura of light around me whenever I entered a patients room. Not always by the patient, but the nursing and auxiliary staff told me this. I hope that was so. I wasn't meaning real visible light, but I accepted that as well. Years later, when I became a home nurse, I was also told that I carried an aura with me. And one man called me an angel. I hope I gave them what they needed.
But back to the dying and dead patient, (I digress), I never worked with that physician again, although I think I would have liked to. He was obviously a believer.
The patient was deceased. It was time to notify his family. I took his chart, and went to the corner of the nursing station to call. There was a little less noise and confusion there. But there was no family. Only an attorney. So I called the attorney. He said he would call the funeral home and they would call for all the information they needed. Suddenly, I began to see the light. Perhaps he was angry because he was having to do this terrible thing, dying, by himself. After all, dying is the very last thing we do. And no one should have to do that all alone, with only a nurse and a physician to see him.
I've said all this, and maybe, or maybe not, you believe this story I've told. But I tell you this, because it did in fact happen. It was a very real happening. And yes, it made me seriously, believe more in Hell, and Heaven. Because if you believe in Hell, it stands to reason that there must be a Heaven! Correct? Ever since that happening, I have tried so hard to live a life that God would recognize how hard I tried. And tell me I've run a good race and I can enter into Heaven. Not by my works, but through His great Salvation through Jesus Christ, His Son.
Uh - Oh! Please Blogspot, leave my story up. I am being banned on some social media, and I ask, if you follow me to follow me. It will help my status!
The Gates of Hell