Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday Was One of "Those" Days

It all started with Sunday night.

I couldn't sleep. At all. So I sat up ALL NIGHT LONG working on Christmas gifts and watching movies. Before I knew it, it was 6:30 a.m. and Texican was up for the day! In order to keep from getting my days and nights all screwy, I simply stayed up rather than laying down for a nap.

Not a good idea. I just could not function all day!

To begin with, I didn't eat any breakfast. Which is never good. And when noon rolled around, I didn't feel like eating still, but was beginning to get a headache. So I ate a cup of dry....
...Cheerios. [What can I say? Love them this way!]

I had put a slow cooker full of pinto beans on to cook this morning after soaking them overnight. So, I had planned on having cornbread with them. Dinner was all set.

And I had promised Texichick I would make a special dessert for her. Pumpkin Whoopie Pies. So, I gathered up all of the ingredients:
and I did my thing.

A little magic, and later I had...
...1-dozen pumpkin whoopie pies! The recipe is rather straight forward, and easy to make. However, I got it off the internet last year from another blogger, and forgot to document where, so I won't share the recipe here, since I don't want to infringe on anyone else's recipe. But if you use Google and search for "pumpkin whoopie pie", I am certain you will find the recipe. But I forewarn you... this is an extremely high calorie, dense dessert. I ate practically nothing all day long just so I could eat two of these! [And you'll see below... I still was non-compliant!]

About 5p.m. I fell asleep in my chair. Texican woke me to help me get over on the sofa and take a nap. I slept till 6:30, and awoke to him eating beans from a bowl. Out with the cornbread, and we simply ate a bowl of beans, sans anything else.

After dinner, I ate my second whoopie pie.

And the results for the day?

Calories: 1,679    [+239]
Carbs: 251g    [+53]
Fats: 64g   [+16]
Protein: 61g    [+7]
Sodium: 1,261mg   [-239]

As you can see, having that second whoopie pie did me in! I'd have been so much off eating a second helping of beans instead!

Over the weekend, these are the things I worked on while watching Borgia on Netflix

Here's the projects completed:
a hand towel for my bathroom
measuring 14-inches by 26-inches

a tawashi cloth for the kitchen

3 bath puffs

a crocheted dishcloth with raised scrubby panels
All in all, a great weekend for projects! I also got quite a bit completed on my mother's Christmas gift, which is also a memory book like the one I made my Dad for Christmas.
I finished writing up the family newsletter, and got it out and delivered yesterday.
So...yes, quite a great weekend!
Now... I'm off to bed early this evening, so that I can get up in the morning, and try to make it another day of accomplishment.
Me Today
Daily Scaley: 260.0
Lost to Date: -42.8 pounds

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